Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Geometry

ABCD is a square.E,F,G,H are midpoints of CD,BD,AB,CA respectivly and J and K are the midpoints of GH and GF. point L is such that LF=EF/3.then what is the rario of area of triangle JKL to area of square ABCD?

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Elitmus Other Question

There is N odd number of milestones are to be paint. Distance between the milestones is 100m .Painter can carry only 1 bottle at a time empty or with paint . He has to start with centre of the the milestone and after painting the particular milestone he has to return back the centre milestone. Again he will take new paint bottle for painting next milestone and so on …. Finally he travelled 130 Km . Find the number of milestones N. a. 26 b.51 c. 65 d. 260 what is the probability(approx.) that a four digit no. is a perfect square?