Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Complex Numbers

what is the probability(approx.) that a four digit no. is a perfect square?

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Elitmus Other Question

ABCD is a square.E,F,G,H are midpoints of CD,BD,AB,CA respectivly and J and K are the midpoints of GH and GF. point L is such that LF=EF/3.then what is the rario of area of triangle JKL to area of square ABCD? there are two communities facebook and elitmus.f% alies likes facebook and e% alies like elitmus.g% like both of them.1% do not like neither facebook nor elitmus. e is 2 more than f?
a) g is even.
b) g is odd
c) g can be odd or even
d) can't determined