Others Maths Puzzle

The palindrome pqrqp is divisible by 45. How many such numbers are there if p, q, and r are all distinct digits?

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Others Other Question

There are two persons Jack and Jill start a race on a upslope hill track of 440 feet . One's speed is less than other.
Both start the race at the same time. Speed while coming down is 1.5 times the speed of going up.Jack meets Jill when
He was returning from the top at a distance of 20 feet from the top.Both end the race at a time difference of 1/2 minute.
What is total time taken by Jack to complete the race.
A train met with an accident 60km away from station A.
It completed remaining journey at 5/6th of the previous speed n reachd station B 1hr 12mins late...
Had the acdnt taken place 60km furthr,it wud hv been only 1hr late...

1)wat is the normal speed of train?
2)wat is the distnc between station A n B