Others Maths Puzzle

A train met with an accident 60km away from station A.
It completed remaining journey at 5/6th of the previous speed n reachd station B 1hr 12mins late...
Had the acdnt taken place 60km furthr,it wud hv been only 1hr late...

1)wat is the normal speed of train?
2)wat is the distnc between station A n B

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Others Other Question

The palindrome pqrqp is divisible by 45. How many such numbers are there if p, q, and r are all distinct digits? Five consecutive positive integers have the property that the sum of the second, third and fourth is a perfect square, while the sum of all five is a perfect cube. If m is the third of these five integers, then the minimum possible value of m satisfies

(A) m ≤ 200
(B) 200 < m ≤ 400
(C) 400 < m ≤ 600
(D) 600 < m ≤ 800
(E) m > 800