TCS Company

How many four-digit numbers that do not contain the digits 3 or 6 are there?

a) 2401
b) 3584
c) 4096
d) 5040
e) 7200

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TCS Other Question

In a base 7, a number is written using 0,1...6. The number 1 in base 7 is equal to 2*7+1=15 in base 10. Similarly, the number 135 on base 7 is 1*72+3*7+5=75 in base 10. What is the sum of the base 7 number 1234 and 6543 in base 7. in how many 15 people seated around two tables with seating capacity of 7 and 8 people.
a. 15c7*15c8
b. 15c7*6!*!7
c 15c7*!7
d. 15c7*!6