Wipro Company Numerical Ability Age Problem

A father's age was 5 times his son's age 5 years ago and will be 3 times son's age after 2 years, the ratio of their present ages is equal to:
a) 3:7
b) 5:11
c) 10:3
d) 10:7

Read Solution (Total 5)

Wipro Other Question

The Angoras, the Bobcats, and the Courage are hockey teams. In three games the Angoras played against the Bobcats, the Bobcats played against the Cougars, and the Angoras played against the Cougars.

[1] The three final scores of the games consisted of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
[2] The difference between the Angoras higher score and the Bobcats higher score was one more than the difference between the Bobcats lower and the Cougars lower score.
[3] The highest total of a team's two scores was achieved by the team that lost the greatest number of games.

Which team achieved the highest total of its two scores?
Ram ordered for 6 black toys And some additional brown toys. The price of black toy is 2.5 times that of a brown toy. While preparing the bill, the clerk interchanged the number of black toys and brown toys which increased the bill by 45%. Find the number of brown toys.