R-SAT Exam Logical Reasoning Coding Decoding

Directions : In This question , an equation given with a question mark (?) in place of correct figure on the right hand side which satisfies the equality. You should decide , which of the following figures will satisfy the given equality based on the symbols.
Symbols (Direction) stand for
= Equal to
> Greater than
< Lesser Than

[ { 93 / 185 }] X 1.5] < (?)
A. -0.81
B. -0.71
C. -0.82
D. -0.753
E. None Of These

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R-SAT Other Question

A man saves 20% of his monthly salary. If on account of dearness of things, he is to increase his monthly expenses by 20% and he is only able to save Rs. 200 per month. What is his monthly salary?
A. 4000
B. 2000
C. 5500
D. 5000
E. None
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