RRB Government Jobs Exams Logical Reasoning Blood Relations

48) M,N,O and P are different individuals; M is the daughter of N; N is the son of O; O is the father of P;
Among the following statements which is true?
a) M is the daughter of P
b) If B is the daughter of N, then M and B are sisters
c) If C is the granddaughter of O, then C and M are sisters.
d) P and N are brothers

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RRB Other Question

47) Two cyclists start training on an oval racecourse at the same time. The professional cyclist completes each lap in 4 minutes; the novice takes 6 minutes to complete each lap. How many minutes after the start will both cyclists pass at the same spot where they began to cycle?
a) 10
b) 8
c) 14
d) 12
In the adjoining figure, ABCD and EFGH are squares of side 1 unit such that they intersect each other such that diagonal CE=1/2. Total area covered by the squares is:
a) Cannot be determined
b) 1/2
c) 11/8
d) 15/8