TCS Company Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

A television set listed at Rs. 3200 is sold to retailer at successive discounts of 25% and 15%. The retailer derives a profit of 20% of his cost price after allowing 10% discount to the customer. At what price did he list the television set?

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TCS Other Question

A and B rum 1km race .if a gives B a start of 50 meter , A wins by 14 sec. and if A gives B a start of 22 sec ,B win by 20 meter, find the time taken by A to run 1km? 15. A sailboat moves at the speed of 30 km an hour with no one in the boat. The speed of the boat decreases by a quantity that varies as the cube root of the number of passengers who board the boat. With twenty–seven passengers on board it moves at 3 km an hour. How many passengers should board the boat so that it stops moving (approx.)?