CAT Exam

The Congress government promised in 1991 that they would bring down prices in 100 days. They failed to do so and the prices went up by 10% each year for the next five years i.e., from 1992 to 1996. Then BJP got elected and successfully brought down the prices by 10% each year from 1997 onward. Find approximately by what percentage will prices in 1999 be more than those in 1992?

(1) 18%
(2) 5%
(3) 8%
(4) 7%

Read Solution (Total 1)

CAT Other Question

ABC is a triangle with sides AB = 10, BC = 8, and CA = 7 units. D and E are the feet of the altitudes form the vertices A and B to the respective opposite sides. What is the ratio of the length of CD to that of CE?

(1) 7 : 8
(2) 12 : 7
(3) 3 : 2
(4) 2 : 3
Given that x is real and | x | < 4, which of the following is a permissible range for the value that x can assume so that is always positive?

(1) x < -2 or x > 2
(2) -3 < x < 3
(3) x < -3 or x > 3
(4) -2 < x < 2