CAT Exam

Given that x is real and | x | < 4, which of the following is a permissible range for the value that x can assume so that is always positive?

(1) x < -2 or x > 2
(2) -3 < x < 3
(3) x < -3 or x > 3
(4) -2 < x < 2

Read Solution (Total 2)

CAT Other Question

The Congress government promised in 1991 that they would bring down prices in 100 days. They failed to do so and the prices went up by 10% each year for the next five years i.e., from 1992 to 1996. Then BJP got elected and successfully brought down the prices by 10% each year from 1997 onward. Find approximately by what percentage will prices in 1999 be more than those in 1992?

(1) 18%
(2) 5%
(3) 8%
(4) 7%
A function f(n) is defined as f(n) = (n - 1) (n) (n + 1). What is the remainder when f(n) is divided by 11 given that n = 1247?

(1) 5
(2) 9
(3) 7
(4) 8