TCS Company Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

Q. A boy travels in a scooter after covering 2/3rd of the distance the wheel got punctured he covered the remaining distance by walk. Walking time is twice that of the time the boy?s riding time. How many times the riding speed as that of the walking speed?

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TCS Other Question

Q. A boy asks his father, " what is the age of grand father?". Father replied " He is x years old in x^2 years", and also said, "we are talking about 20th century". what is the year of birth of grand father? There are certain diamonds in a shop.
1 thief stole half of diamonds and 2 more.
2 thief stole half of remaining and 2 more
3. same as above
4 same as above.
5 came nothing was left for that.
how many diamonds was there?