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Maths Puzzle
Numerical Ability
7,9,11,6,11,8,5,13,5,4,15 ???
Read Solution (Total 1)
- ans is:7,9,11,6,11,8,5,13,5,4,15,2,3,17
so final 3 digits are 2,3,17 - 11 years agoHelpfull: Yes(2) No(0)
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One guy has Rs. 100/- in hand. He has to buy 100 balls. One football costs Rs. 15/, One Cricket ball costs Re. 1/- and one table tennis ball costs Rs. 0.25 He spend the whole Rs. 100/- to buy the balls. How many of each balls he bought?
nxt num of d series 7,9,11,6,11,8,5,13,5,4,15 ???