A website Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

Three brothers live in a farm. They agreed to buy new seeds: Adam and Ben would go and Charlie stayed to protect fields. Ben bought 75 sacks of wheat in the market whereas Adam bought 45 sacks. At home, they split the sacks equally. Charlie had paid 1400 dollars for the wheat. How much dollars did Ben and Adam get of the sum, considering equal split of the sacks?

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A website Other Question

What is the difference between y=mx+c and (y-y1)=m(x-x1) as both represent equation of line in terms of a point(x,y). A merchant can place 8 large boxes or 10 small boxes into a carton for shipping. In one shipment, he sent a total of 96 boxes. If there are more large boxes than small boxes, how many cartons did he ship?