syntel Company Numerical Ability Number System

find remainder when 2^89 is divided by 89

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syntel Other Question

A, B, C, D and E are five different integers. When written in the ascending order of values, the difference between any two adjacent integers is 4. D is the greatest and A the least. B is greater than E but less than C. The sum of the integers is equal to E.

1. The sum of A and B is:
a] -10
b] -15
c] 10
d] None of these

2. The greatest number has the value:
a] 9
b] -5
c] 3
d] 7

3. The sum of the integers is:
a] 25
b] -6
c] -15
d] None of These

4. The product of the integers is:
a] -945
b] 945
c] 915
d] None of these
The majority against a certain motion is equal to 8% of the total number of voting. If 14 of those who voted against it had voted for it, the motion would have been carried by 4 votes. Find the number voting ‘for and against.

1. for:138,against:162
2. for:160,against:185
3. for:130,against:170
4. for:162,against:138