Syntel Company Numerical Ability Percentage

The majority against a certain motion is equal to 8% of the total number of voting. If 14 of those who voted against it had voted for it, the motion would have been carried by 4 votes. Find the number voting ‘for and against.

1. for:138,against:162
2. for:160,against:185
3. for:130,against:170
4. for:162,against:138

Read Solution (Total 4)

Syntel Other Question

find remainder when 2^89 is divided by 89 In a circus there are five entertainers P, Q, R, S, T. There is a card player, a fire walker and a joker in the circus. T is the husband of a member of the circus and the two are the only married couple in the circus. Q is the brother of R. Q is neither a fire walker nor a joker. None of the women is either a card player or a joker. P and S are unmarried and neither of them is a card player or a fire walker or a joker
Which of the following entertainers is T’s wife?