TCS Company

5 men can do a certain task working 10 hours a day in 1 day that requires 4 Women 2 days working 8 hours a day and 5 boys 4 days working 5 hours a day. If a contractor hires 20 men, 9 Women, and 10 boys to complete together 1000 such tasks, starting on 1st March, 2000, when will the entire work get over ?
2 nd July
29 th June
30 th June
1 4 th August
5 th July

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TCS Other Question

In how many ways you can put 4 letters in 2 post boxes. Any no of letter can be posted in box.
d) 2P4

An automobile has two punctured tyres. The first puncture by itself would make the tyre flat in 10 minutes. The second puncture by itself would make the tyre flat in 5 minutes. How long would it take for both punctures together to make the remaining tyre flat ?
4 minutes
5 minutes
25 minutes
15 minutes
2 1/3 minutes