TCS Company undefined

2 vehicles A and B leave for city Y from city X. A overtakes B at 10.30 am and reaches city X at 12.00 pm. It waits for 2 hours and returns to city Y. On its way it meets B at 3 pm and reaches city at 5 pm. B reaches city X, waits for one hour and returns to city Y. After how many hours will B reach city Y from the time A overtook him for the first time?

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TCS Other Question

If three circles are inscribed inside a circle. The radius of the small circles is r. What is the radius of the big circle?

three distinct single digit numbers A,B,C are in GP. If abs(x) for real x is the absolute value of x(x if x is +ve or zero, -x if x is -ve), then the number of different possible values of abs(A+B-C) is:
1) 5
2) 4
3) 6
4) 3