TCS Company Numerical Ability Sequence and Series

Two consecutive numbers are removed from progression 1,2,3,4,......n.The arithmetic mean of remaining numbers is 26 1/4.The value of n is

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TCS Other Question

Find the number of zeroes in the expression 15*32*25*22*40*75*98*112*125. The price of a commodity(in rupees per kilogram) is 100 + 0.1n, on the nth day of 2007 (n = 1, 2,….., 100), and then remains constant. On the other hand, the price of another commodity (in rupees per kilogram) is 89 + 0.15n, on the nth day of 2007 (n=1,2, …, 365). On which date in 2007, will the price of these two commodities be equal?

a. May 21
b. April 11
c. May 20
d. April 10