TCS Company Category

Three distinct single-digit numbers. A,B,C are in GP. If abs(x) for real x is the absolute value of x(x if x is +ve or 0 and -x if x is -ve), then the number of different possible values of abs(A+B+C) is

a)5 b)6 c)3 d)4

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TCS Other Question

what is the distance between two parallel chords of length 32 cm and 24 cm in a circle of radius 20 cm ?

a. 1 or 7
b. 3 or 21
c. 4 or 28
d. 2 or 14
George does 3/5th of a piece of work in 9 days.He then calls in Paul and they finish the work in 4 days.How long would Paul take to do the work by himself?