Infosys Company Numerical Ability Time and Work

12 persons can complete the work in 18 days. after working for 6 days, 4 more persons added to complete the work fast. in how many more days they will complete the work?

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Infosys Other Question

There is a truck driver starts from one place to pick another person at
another place. The driver goes to that place by 6 AM and then picking him
he returns back.one day the other person woke a bit early and started
walking towards the first place.one the way he meets truck driver and joins
him and both went back to the first place. This day the other person came
20 min early to the time he usually comes to the first place?Tell the time
when the driver met the second person that day?
5 cars are to be parked in 5 parking slots. there are 3 red colour cars, 1 blue colour car and 1 green car. how many ways the car can be parked?