Wipro Company Numerical Ability Averages

Three years ago, the average age of a family of 5 members was 17 years. A baby having been born , the average age of the family is the same today. The present age of the baby is :
A) 2 yrs B) 2.4 yrs C) 3 yrs D)1.5 yrs

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Wipro Other Question

Three years ago , the average age of A, B and C was 27 years and that of B and C, 5 years ago was 20 years. A’s present age is :
A) 30 yrs B) 35 yrs C) 40 yrs D)48 yrs
The average weight of 6 men decreases by 3 kg when one of them weighing 80 kg is replaced by a new man . The weight of the new man is :
A) 56kg B) 58 kg C)62 kg D) 76 kg