Wipro Company Numerical Ability Percentage

The current birth rate per thousand is 32, whereas corresponding death rate is 11 per thousand. The net growth rate in terms of population increase in percent is give by :

a. 0.021%
b. 0.0021%
c. 21%
d. 2.1%

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Wipro Other Question

The population of a town increases 4% annually but is decreased by emigration annually to the extent of (1/2)%. What will be the increase percent in 3 years ?

a. 9.8
b. 10
c. 10.5
d. 10.8
A reduction of 21% in the price of wheat enables a person to buy 10.5 kg more for Rs. 100. What is the reduced price per kg ?

a. R.s 2
b. Rs. 2.25
c. Rs. 2.30
d. Rs. 2.50