Numerical Ability
Profit and Loss
Ram sold his car for RS.50,000 less than what he bought it for and lost 8%. At what price should she have sold the car, if she wanted to gain as much as she lost in the first transaction?
1) Rs.6,25,000
2) Rs.6,37,500
3) Rs.6,50,000
4) Rs.6,75,000
5) Rs.7,00,000
Read Solution (Total 8)
- 8%--------50,000
108%-------?(Gain as much as he lost means 8% profit)
(50,000*108)/8=675000 - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(27) No(1)
- shivam
x=625000 right but the question asked is different
once see query again
finally ans is (625000*108)/100=675000
ans: d - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(17) No(4)
- let c.p = x , then s.p= x-50,000 , loss%=8
loss= sp-cp => x-50,000 - x = 50,000
therefore . loss%= loss*100/c.p => 50,000*100/x=8 => x= 625000
now, sp= 108*625000/100 => 675000 [sp= 1+(*gain/100)cp]
- 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(11) No(0)
- 8x/100= 50000
x= 625000 - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(2) No(10)
- X-50,000=X x 92/100
SP=625000 x 108/100 =675000
- 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(1) No(1)
- x-50000=92x/100-x
solving x=625000 - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(3)
- 50,000/- i.e. 8% so first calculate the price of car
50,000= 8/100*x
so x = 50,000*100/8 so x= 625000
add 50,000/- as to add 8%
so total amt with 8% profit will be 625000+50000=6,75,000/-
ans : d - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
- 8%************>50,000
ans is 6,75,000 - 9 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
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