self Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability Clocks and Calendars

If it were two hours later, it would be half as long until midnight as it would be if it were an hour later. What time is it now?

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self Other Question

In front of you is a balance.

Can you devise a system, using only 4 weights, that can measure any whole number of kilograms (1,2,3, etc) …

a) ... up to 15 kg ?
b) ... up to 40 kg ?
c) ... up to 80 kg ?
Someone has mixed up the apples. Read carefully what has happened. Can you find a way to help solve the problem.

* There are 10 baskets containing apples.

* There are various amounts of apples in each basket ranging from 10 to 20.

* 9 of the baskets contain apples weighing 4 ounces each.

* 1 of the baskets contains apples weighing 5 ounces each.

* All the apples look the same.

* The equipment you have is a set of scales and an empty basket.

* It is late and the truck is waiting to take the apples to market. You only have time to make one measurement using the scales.