Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Number System

The sum of two numbers is 15 and their geometric mean is 20% lower than their arithmetic mean.Find the numbers.

(a)11,4 (b)12,3 (c)13,2 (d)10,5

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Elitmus Other Question

The sum of the digits of a two-digits number is 10,while when the digits are reversed, the number decreases by 54.Find the changed number.

(a)28 (b)19 (c)37 (d)46
The difference between two numbers is 48 and the difference between the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean is two more than half of 1/3 of 96.Find the numbers.

(a)49,1 (b)12,60 (c)36,84 (d)none of these