TCS Company Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

Rani and Shakil run a race of 2000 in First. Rain gives Shakil a start of 200 in and beats him by 1 minute
Next Rani gives Shakil a start of 6 min and is beaten by 1000 metres. Find the time in minutes in in which Rani
and Shakil can run the race separatelv

8,10 /10,12 /12,18 /10,18

Read Solution (Total 6)

TCS Other Question

A and B start from their house at 1Oam. They travel from their house on MG road at 2OKmph and 4Okmph These is a T junction on their path. A turns left at the T junction at 12:00 noon B reaches the T
junction earlier and turns right. Both of them continue travelling till 2 :OOpm What is the distance between A and B at 2:OOpm

150 km /120 km /160 km/ 140 km
Find the number of zeroes in the expression 15*32*25*22*40*75898*112*125.

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