TCS Company

There are seventy clerks working in a company, of which 30 are females. Also, 30 clerks are married; 24 clerks are above 25 years of age; 19 married clerks are above 25 years, of which 7 are males; 12 males are above 25 years of age; and 15 males are married. How many bachelor girls are there and how many of these are above 25?

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TCS Other Question

Simple question on average age. Smith likes a,b,c weigheted separately 1st a,b,c then a& b, b&c , c&a and at last a,b,c, the last weight was 167,then what will be the avg weight of the 7 weight? A man sailed off from the North Pole. After covering 2,000 miles in one direction he turned West, sailed 2,000 miles, turned North and sailed ahead another 2,000 miles till he met his friend. How far was he from the North Pole and in what direction?