Microsoft Company Category

Two vehicles A and B leaves from city Y to X. A overtakes B at 10:30 am and reaches city C at 12:00 pm. It waits for 2 hrs and return to city Y. On its way it meets B at 3:00 pm and reaches city Y at 5:00 pm. B reaches city X, waits for 1hr and returns to city Y. Afer how many hours will B reach city Y from the time A overtook him fro the first time?

1) 50 hrs
2) 49.5 hrs
3) 41.5 hrs
4) 37.5 hrs

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Microsoft Other Question

find the missing terms in the series 1,23,109,307,665 10. Ashok, Eesha, Farook and Gowri ran a race. Ashok said, “I did not finish first or fourth.” Eesha said, “I did not finish fourth.” Farook said, “I finished first.” Gowri said, “I finished fourth.” There were no ties in the competition and exactly three of them told the truth. Who finished fourth?
A. Farook B.Eesha C.Gowri D.Ashok