TCS Company Numerical Ability Percentage

The percentage increase in the number of pens sold by a trader from Tuesday to Wednesday is same as the percentage decrease in the number of pens sold from Monday to Tuesday. On Wednesday the trader sold 16 pens more than those he sold on Tuesday. If the percentage decrease in sales from Monday to Tuesday is 20%, how many pens did he sell on Tuesday?
(1) 20 (2) 96 (3) 100 (4) 80

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TCS Other Question

. A and B can do a work in 20 and 30 days respectively. If they have one-day holiday after every four days of working in how many days can they complete the whole work?
(1) 12 (2) 14 (3) 16 (4) 15
Dev and tukku can do a piece of work in 45 and 40 days respectively .THey began the work together but dev leaves after some days and tukku finished the remaining work in 23 days.After how many days did dev leave?