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In an year N , the 259 th day of the year is a Saturday. In the year N+l, the 222 nd day of the year is also a Saturday. What is the 119th day of the year N-l ?

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TCS Other Question

George walks 36 kms partly at a speed of 4 kms per hour and partly at 3 km per hour If he had walked at a speed of 3km per hour when he had walked at 4 and 4 km per when he had walked at 3 he would have walked only 34 kms. The time (in hours) spent by George in walking was)
The total number of pupils in three classes of a school is 333. The number of pupils in classes I and II are in the ratio 3 : 5 and those in classes II and III are in the ratio 7: 11. Find the number of pupils in the class that had the highest number of pupils.