Verbal Ability
If no of employees are reduced by ratio x:y & their wages are increased by ratio
p:q. then find the ratio to which their wages bill decreases
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- let the total no. of employees= a.
let their wages = b
initial employee= xa and
final employee= ya.
initial wage = bp and
final wage = bq.
total initial wage= xa*bp = xabp, and
total final wage = ya*bq = yabq.
clearly wages decreases and ratio = xabp : yabq = xp : yq
Ans: xp:yq - 7 years agoHelpfull: Yes(3) No(0)
- Let the total employes are n and their wages are w. The employes are reduced by x/y is nx/y and wages are wp/q. Noe the no. of employes are (n-nx/y) and wages are (w+wp/q. Multiply both values and then u can get their wages will decrease by x/y-p/q+xp/yq
- 13 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(15)
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