CTS Company Numerical Ability Probability

it is a small town railway station and there are 25 stations on that line.at each of the 25 stations the passengers can get tickets for any other 24 stations.how many different kind of tickets do you think the booking clerk has to keep?

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CTS Other Question

a clock hangs on the wall of a railway station,71ft 9in long and 10ft 4in high.those are the dimension of the wall,not the clock!while waiting for a train we noticed that the hands of the clock were pointing in opposite directions,and were parallel to one of the diagonals of the wall,what was the exact time ? the egg vendor calls on his 1st customer and sells his half his eggs and half an egg.to the 2nd customer he sells half of what he had left and half an egg,and to the 3rd customer he sells half of what he had then left and half an egg.by the way he did not break any eggs.in the end 3 eggs were remainig.how many did he start out with?