Latest IIT-JEE Aptitude Question SOLUTION: Consider the two curves C1 : y^2 = 4x, C2 : x^2 + y^2 – 6x + 1 = 0. Then,
(A) C1 and C2 touch each other only at one point
(B) C1 and C2 touch each other exactly at two points
Consider the two curves C1 : y^2 = 4x, C2 : x^2 + y^2 – 6x + 1 = 0. Then,
(A) C1 and C2 touch each other only at one point
(B) C1 and C2 touch each other exactly at two points
(C) C1 and C2 intersect (but do not touch) at exactly two points
(D) C1 and C2 neither intersect nor touch each other
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There is something I don't understand about algebra: It has been around for thousands of years, yet no one has ever found out what the value of "x" or "y" really is.