?== . #:#= Ans A 1.A trader frauds b4 10@ while bu4ing and 10@ while selling the same. hat is the total gain he obtained during the transactionA. 1( B.%%1/ .%0 ".#one of these Ans. 1).6here are three c4linders with same height and surface area. If a new c4linder is created b4 melting these three with the same height as before what is
the surface area of the new c4linder when com,ared to that of the ,revious.A. %@ more B.0@ more .100@ more ".#one 13.If x"/>
Latest cts Aptitude Question SOLUTION:
Karthikh Venkatwww.students3k.com
40 QUESTIONS --- !OU" #IT! $ NE%$TIVE &$"KIN% O' 0.() *E" QUESTION
1. If [x] indicates integral of x i.e is the largest integer less than x
Karthikh Venkatwww.students3k.com
40 QUESTIONS --- !OU" #IT! $ NE%$TIVE &$"KIN% O' 0.() *E" QUESTION
1. If [x] indicates integral of x i.e is the largest integer less than x and |x| indicates absolute value of x then what is the maximum value of [x]/|x|.A. 1 B. 0 .!1 ". #one of these Ans$ A %.In the above &uestion what is the minimum value of [x]/|x|.A. 1 B. 0 .!1 ". #one of these Ans$ " '(!)* If the cloc+'onventional cloc+ with numbers from 1 to 1% in order* is cut into ( ,ieces such that the sum of numbers on each ,iece are in Arithemetic -rogression'A.-* with a common difference of 1. (.hat is the sum of even numbers in the grou, where is ,resent A. B. 10 . 1% ". 1 Ans$ B .hat is the ,roduct of all numbers in the grou, in which 1% is ,resent A. %1% B. %% . % ". #one of these .hat is the count of numbers in each ,iece. A. %2%2 B. 22% . (22 ". )22% Ans$ ).hat is the count of numbers in each ,iece. A. %2%2 B. 22% . (22 ". )22% Ans$ 3.Avinash ta+es 1 da4s to com,lete a wor+ and Bada ta+es 1% da4s to com,lete the same wor+. If the4 wor+ in alternate da4s2 In how man4 da4s the4 finish the wor+.A. 1( da4s B. 1( 1/ da4s . ) 1/ da4s ". #one Ans$
5.6here is a circular trac+ of length 00 mts. If A and B 7tarts at the same ,oint but in o,,osite direction with a s,eeds of 5 m/sec and 1% m/s res,ectivel4.6hen at what time after the begining the4 will meet for the second time.A. 1hr 0 sec B. %0 sec . 0sec ". (hr %0 sec Ans$ 8.In the above &uestion when will the4 meet for the first time at the starting ,oint.A. 1hr 0 sec B. %0 sec . 0sec ". (hr %0 sec Ans$ A 10.If the vertices of the triangle are A'12%*2 B'!%2!(* and '%2(* then which is the largest angle A. Angle'AB* B.Angle'BA* .Angle'AB* ".#one Ans$B 11.If '!120*2 '02!1* and '!12!1* are three vertices of a s&uare then what is the th vertex. 1%.If [x] indicates integral of x i.e is the largest integer less than x and |x| indicates absolute value of x then find the value of [1.88]9[!%.88]9[1.0(]9[%.0]A. % B.1 .!% ". ! Ans$ A 7te,1$ Add all the numbers7te,%$ If it is less than 10 76:-2 else go to 7te,1. 1(.If ;<)3% then what is the end result after a,,l4ing the above algorithm.A. 18 B.10 .1 ". #one Ans$1.If the numbers are arranged in all ,ossible orders then how man4 solutions are ,ossible.A. :#= B. 6: (.6>?== . #:#= Ans A 1.A trader frauds b4 10@ while bu4ing and 10@ while selling the same. hat is the total gain he obtained during the transactionA. 1( B.%%1/ .%0 ".#one of these Ans. 1).6here are three c4linders with same height and surface area. If a new c4linder is created b4 melting these three with the same height as before what is
the surface area of the new c4linder when com,ared to that of the ,revious.A. %@ more B.0@ more .100@ more ".#one 13.If x
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