In a quiz competition,one has answered three questions.First question has three options A,B,C and next two are in True/false type.What is the probability of answering the questions correctly?
In a lake, there are 10 steps labelled using alphabets from A to J. Starting from step A, every minute a frog jumps to the 4th step from where it started - that is from the step A it would go to the step E and from E it would go to the step I and from I it would go to C etc. Where would the frog be at the 60th minute if it starts at the step A ?
"Die hard fro your name, your name should be enough to recognise you"
Sandeep Upadhyay
As a toddler when I looked at my fingers and wondered,
you helped me to count numbers.
As a kid when I looked at stars with awe,
you helped me and told that's infinity.
As a teen when my confused mind often went blank,
you told that's zero and eventually