In a quiz competition,one has answered three questions.First question has three options A,B,C and next two are in True/false type.What is the probability of answering the questions correctly?
In a lake, there are 10 steps labelled using alphabets from A to J. Starting from step A, every minute a frog jumps to the 4th step from where it started - that is from the step A it would go to the step E and from E it would go to the step I and from I it would go to C etc. Where would the frog be at the 60th minute if it starts at the step A ?
There is something I don't understand about algebra: It has been around for thousands of years, yet no one has ever found out what the value of "x" or "y" really is.
Richard van der Merwe
But mathematics is the sister, as well as the servant, of the arts and is touched with the same madness and genius.