anita attempted to find the average of ten two digit of the numbers a,was the reverse of one of the others.if these two numbers are replaced by the two digit numbers, c and the reverse of c, anita would find the average of these numbers to be 6.6 more than the average of teh original set of numbers.find the value of (sum of the digits of c) - (sum of the digits of a).
a.3 b.4 c.6 d.2
Pure mathematics is the world's best game. It is more absorbing than chess, more of a gamble than poker, and lasts longer than Monopoly. It's free. It can be played anywhere - Archimedes did it in a bathtub.
Richard J. Trudeau, Dots and Lines
"If you able to solve the problems in MATHS, then you also able to solve the problems in your LIFE" (Maths is a great Challenger)