Latest NDA Aptitude Question SOLUTION: Statement I : The potential energy that results from pushing water above mean sea level is transferred to
kinetic energy that initiates the horizontal propagation of tsunami waves.
Statement I : The potential energy that results from pushing water above mean sea level is transferred to
kinetic energy that initiates the horizontal propagation of tsunami waves.
Statement II : The vertical displacement of sea water due to abrupt and jerky movements of fault blocks on
seabed gives birth to tsunamis.
As a toddler when I looked at my fingers and wondered,
you helped me to count numbers.
As a kid when I looked at stars with awe,
you helped me and told that's infinity.
As a teen when my confused mind often went blank,
you told that's zero and eventually
If I feel unhappy, I do mathematics to become happy. If I am happy, I do mathematics to keep happy.