Which one among the following wars ended by the Treaty of Salbai ?
(A) First Maratha War (B) Second Maratha War
(C) Third Maratha War (D) Fourth Maratha War
Which one among the following countries is not touched by the Stilwell road constructed the world War II ?
(A) Myanmar (B) Thailand (C) China (D) India
Who among the following has a right o speak and otherwise take part in proceedings of either House of Parliament and to be a member of any parliament committee but is not entitled to vote ?
(A) Chairman, Finance Commission
(B) The Attorney General
(C) The Comptroller and Auditor General
(D) The Chief Election Commissioner
Vice-President of India is elected by an electoral college consisting of
(A) members of both Houses of Parliament
(B) members of Rajya Sadha only
(C) elected members of both Houses of Parliament
(D) elected members of Lok Sabha only
Which one among the following is not correct about the cave paintings at Ajanta ?
(A) Scenes have no dividing frame and blend into each other
(B) Scenes are both religious and secular in nature
(C) The influence of the Gandhara art is seen
(D) Scenes mostly depict tales from Jataks
Which one among the following was the fundamental cause of the first Karnatka War between the British and the French ?
(A) Participation of the English and the French in the native politics of Karnataka
(B) The ambition of Dupliex to drive out the English from the south
(C) The trade rivalry between the between the English and the French
(D) The war of Austrian succession because o which Britain and France become each other's enemy in every part of the world
Six is a number perfect in itself, and not because God created the world in six days; rather the contrary is true. God created the world in six days because this number is perfect, and it would remain perfect, even if the work of the six days did not exis