Latest KVPY Aptitude Question SOLUTION: Consider an incomplete pyramid of balls on a square base having 18 layers; and having 13 balls on each side of the top layer. Then the total number N of balls in that pyramid satis
Consider an incomplete pyramid of balls on a square base having 18 layers; and having 13 balls on each side of the top layer. Then the total number N of balls in that pyramid satisfies
(A) 9000 < N < 10000
(B) 8000 < N < 9000
(C) 7000 < N < 8000
(D) 10000 < N < 12000
Do you know what seems ODD to me?
Those numbers which are not divisible by 2.
Language is remarkable, except under the extreme constraints of mathematics and logic, it never can talk only about what it's supposed to talk about but is always spreading around.