Latest TCS Codevita 13 august 2014 Aptitude Question SOLUTION: this can be asked in any language
Q)In the Byteland country a string "S" is said to super ascii string if and only if count of each character in the string is equal to its ascii va
this can be asked in any language
Q)In the Byteland country a string "S" is said to super ascii string if and only if count of each character in the string is equal to its ascii value.
In the Byteland country ascii code of 'a' is 1, 'b' is 2 ...'z' is 26.
Your task is to find out whether the given string is a super ascii string or not.
Input Format:
First line contains number of test cases T, followed by T lines, each containing a string "S".
Output Format:
For each test case print "Yes" if the String "S" is super ascii, else print "No"
1<=|S|<=400, S will contains only lower case alphabets ('a'-'z').
Sample Input and Output
SNo. Input Output
In case 1, viz. String "bba" -
The count of character 'b' is 2. Ascii value of 'b' is also 2.
The count of character 'a' is 1. Ascii value of 'a' is also 1.
Hence string "bba" is super ascii.