There are 20 numbers divisible by 5 between 1 and 100, and 33 numbers divisible by 3 between 1 and 100.
So there are 20 + 33 = 53, so 53 numbers divisible by one or the other, but this also includes every number which is divisible by both 5 and 3 twice.
Such numbers are 15, 30 and so on multiples of 15 between 1 to 100
There are 6 numbers divisible by 15 between 1 and 100 (i.e divisible by both 3 and 5)
There is something I don't understand about algebra: It has been around for thousands of years, yet no one has ever found out what the value of "x" or "y" really is.
Richard van der Merwe
"Full form of MATHS M-mind A-aim T-trick H-habits S-serious "