Distance between A and B is 250 km. A train starts from station A with speed 25 m/s towards station B and other train starts from station B with speed 60 km/hrs towards station A. After how many minutes will the trains meet?
1) 100 min.
2) 90 min.
3) 120 min.
4) 150 min.
5) 180 min.
6) 80 min.
7) 40 min.
8) 60 min.
9) 200 min.
10) none of these
speed of first train = 25 m/s = 25*18/5 = 90 km/hrs
speed of second train = 60 km/hrs
total distance = 250 km.
so time taken = 250/(90+60) = 250/150 hrs = 5/3 * 60 min = 100 min