KIITEE 2015 - Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Entrance Examination (KIITEE) will be held from April 21 to 30, 2015 for admissions to engineering programmes at the university. Candidates will need to apply online at par KIITEE 2015 eligibility criteria.
Admissions in KIIT University for B.Tech programmes will be based on performance in KIITEE 2015. Candidates can scroll below to check complete details about KIIT Engineering Entrance Exam 2015.
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Latest: The Application Form for KIITEE 2015 will be available from December 2, 2014 and the KIITEE 2015 exam will be held across 120 centres from April 21 to 30, 2015
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Exam Name: Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Entrance Examination
Commonly called as: KIITEE
Exam Type: UG Entrance Exam
Exam Category: University level
Conducting Institute: Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha
About KIITEE: Conducated by the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), the KIITEE 2014 is a common entrance exam for the various engineering courses offered by the University
KIITEE 2015 Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates need to have passed in their 10+2 in 2013 / 2014 or must be appearing in 2015 to be considered eligible for KIITEE 2015
Candidates should have passed Class XII with a minimum of 60% of total marks secured in Mathematics, Physcis and Chemistry in aggregate
Candidates must have been born on or after July 1, 1994
Schooling of the candidates must be formal and full time
KIITEE 2015 Selection Procedure: Candidates will b finally selected for B.Tech programmes based on performance in KIITEE 2015
KIITEE 2015 Paper Pattern:
KIITEE 2015 Question Paper shall comprise three papers (Physics, Chemistry and Maths) with 40 questions each
Questions will be objective type and based on Class 12th syllabus prescribed by CBSE.
The exam is for three hours.
Each correct answer will be awarded four marks and for every wrong answer one mark shall be deducted from total scored and zero marks for an unattended question.
If the candidate shall respond with more than one answer for a question, the answer will also be treated as wrong and the candidate will be liable for negative marks for the very question.
KIITEE 2015 Application process:
KIITEE 2015 Application shall be available online
Candidates will need to sign on the printout of the filled in Application Form along with their parent and guardian in specified place, paste two recent passwpoort size photos taken after December 1 with the name of the candidate printed on them and submit it either by post/courier or in person to the address: The Director, Admissions, KIIT University, Koel Campus, Bhubaneswar - 751024, Odisha, India
Application Fees:Candidates applying for KIITEE 2015 shall not have to pay any application fees.
KIITEE 2015 Exam Centres: KIIT University shall be publishing KIITEE 2015 Exam Centre list. The same shall be updated in this page.
KIITEE 2015 Important Dates:
KIITEE 2015 Online Applications: December 2, 2014
KIITEE 2015 Slot Booking: Fourth week of March 2015
KIITEE 2015: April 21 to 30, 2015
KIITEE 2015 Result: Second week of May 2015
KIITEE 2015 Counselling: First week of June 2015
KIITEE 2015 Result:
KIITEE 2015 Result shall be declared separately for each course based on marks obtained by the candidates.
The University will determine a cutoff for admissions to various engineering programmes in the university.
KIITEE 2015 Counselling Process:
KIITEE 2015 Counselling will be held tentatively from first week of June 2015
The candidates will have to appear for the KIITEE 2015 counselling in person.
KIIT University will stop KIITEE 2015 Counselling as soon as the seats for the academic year 2015 are filled up.
KIITEE 2015 Participating Institutes: Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT).
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