National Metallurgical Laboratory formerly known as NML is an Indian research center that functions under the aegis of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. In 1944, the then Government released INR10 million to set up National Physical Laboratory, National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) & National Metallurgical Laboratory. This was seen as a step by the Government to develop industry in pre-independent India, and also as an incentive to private firms to support industrial research. As a result, the Tata Trust promised to donate INR1.17 million to NML. On 21/10/1946, Honorable Mr. C. Rajagopalachari laid the foundation stone of the laboratory in front of representatives from the iron and steel industry.
The essence of mathematics resides in its freedom.
Georg Cantor
Pure mathematics is the world's best game. It is more absorbing than chess, more of a gamble than poker, and lasts longer than Monopoly. It's free. It can be played anywhere - Archimedes did it in a bathtub.