Qualification/Educational Criteria : Candidates who wish to apply for this post must posess the following skill and criteria : Qualified M.Sc Degree in Chemistry or Polymer Chemistry or Polymer Science or B.Tech Degree in Polymer with two years Research, Teaching experience of any recognized University or Institution.
No of Post : Not Specified
Pay Scale/Salary(in Rs.) : Selected candidates would be eligible to get the pay scale of around Rs.12,000/- P.M.
Post Name : SRF (Senior Reserarch Fellow)
Qualification/Educational Criteria : Candidates who wish to apply for this post must posess the following skill and criteria: Pass out M.Tech Degree in any discipline of any recognized College Govt. of India.
No of Post : Not Negotiable
Pay Scale/Salary(in Rs.) : Selected candidates would be eligible to get the pay scale of around Rs.14,000/- Per Month.
Mode of Selection : Selection will be basis of Written Examination.