We are excited to announce our new prize rules which are more rewarding and more inclusive!
We are also introducing a new monthly winner award for the Top Scorer of the month!
Effective from Jan 2019
WEEKLY WINNER Our weekly winner would be decided based on the following factors:
1) Top Scorer for the week in Today's puzzle and someone who has not already won a prize in previous weeks in the same month.
2) A particular week would be considered as part of a month if the Friday falls in the same month.
3) In case if a Top Scorer has already won the prize in past weeks, the second top scorer of that week would be the Weekly Winner and so on.
4) In case of a tie, M4Maths Team will decide the winner by taking other parameters into consideration (Time Taken to solve the puzzle etc)
In week-1 of a Month, Ram's score is 92 and is the highest among all users. The Weekly Prize Winner is Ram
In week-2 of a Month, Ram's score is 94 and is the highest among all users, Rahim's score is 91 and is second highest. The Weekly Prize Winner is Rahim.
MONTHLY WINNER Our monthly winner would be decided based on the following factors: :
1) Monthly Winner would be decided by counting Daily Puzzle scores of all participants from the first day to the last day of the month.
2) In case of a tie, M4Maths Team will decide the winner by taking other parameters into consideration(Time Taken to solve the puzzle etc)
RULES FOR TODAY'S PUZZLERule1 The person with the quickest & the correct answer would be considered as a challenger of the Day.
Rule2 Irrespective of your login the countdown will start at 11:00:00 AM sharp.
Example :-
If you login to your account at 11:25:00 am & submit the answer at 11:29:00 am. Your total time to solve the puzzle would not be considered as 4 minutes rather it would be 29 minute.(Starts from 11:00:00 am.)
It is our pleasure to announce that you are the winners of last week's (10 Dec 2018 to 14 Dec 2018) puzzle question on M4maths with 94 points. Here's the scorecard.